General Education Courses
These courses form the foundation for learning at Chukyo and core strength for actively engaging in society.
A basis for deep learning in specialized fields

University is a place to equip yourself with both specialized knowledge and broad education. To gain deep specialized knowledge, one needs to be able to check the same issue from multiple angles. This means it is important to have a broad perspective and a wide range of knowledge. At Chukyo University general education courses are required of all students to foster this crucial foundation for inquiry, As universities around Japan cut back on such options, Chukyo continues to offer liberal arts courses from freshman to senior year alongside specialized learning.
Fostering communication skills for professionals
The curriculum has three main focuses: equipping students with unbiased knowledge, training them in logical thinking in all fields, and fostering their communication skills, including languages. These are all essential proficiencies for professionals in all fields, and are learning goals shared by all Chukyo’s schools and programs. The aim is to equip all graduates with both broad education and specialized knowledge, decision-making ability, and strong communication skills.
Through our semester system, students can select areas of interest and study a wide range of topics with expert full-time and adjunct faculty instructors, in both lecture and seminar-style classes.
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