School of Law - curriculum

Courses for Freshman

Constitutional Law I

The Constitution of Japan, the basic law of the nation, is placed in the nucleus of all other laws and legal systems. Study of the constitutional law not only lays foundation to learning of other laws but also leads to preparation for examinations for public service and teachers' license acquisition as it is a requisite subject. In the first semester introduction, principles and historic aspects of the Constitution are focused. In the second semester fundamental human rights are main themes, where theories, judicial precedents and topical constitutional issues are used as material.

Civil Law I

Civil law, which provides discipline to the relations of ordinary daily life among citizens, comprises five chapters on general provisions, real right, obligatory right, kin and inheritance, respectively. Civil Law deals with the first chapter, general provisions. The course contents include man as the subject of legal relations, things as object of property relations, legal action and prescription which are causes of legal relations change, measuring method of period concerning time passage which gives influence to legal relations change, etc. In the course considerable time should be allocated to explanation of other chapters. The Six Codes of Laws (Roppo-zensho) is a requisite to carry to the classroom.

Civil Law V

Legal systems existing between married couples, parents and children and kinship are the topics of the course. It is no other epoch than today that people face with the crisis of family disruption. It is a serious problem that shakes the foundation of society and accordingly jurisprudence should play an indispensable role to solve these problems. Misfortune of other families is nothing unrelated to our life. In this course students are encouraged to acquire the capacity of solving problems that might cause serious influence to their own lives. The course deals with chapter four: kin and chapter five: inheritance of the Civil Law. Family Registration Act and Domestic Causes Inquires Act are referred to when necessary. Registration to this course is earnestly invited.

Criminal Law I

Lecture is given as an introductory course to Criminal Law by citing concrete precedents on fundamental criminal questions. Not only the principle of "nulla poena sine lege (the principle of legality)", but varied problems on particularly current questions of the liability theory, structural theory of negligence centering on the new negligence theory, unification theory of freedom punishment and theory of detention punishment, etc are focused. The course proceeds from criminal theory to punishment theory by employing judicial precedents to help students' easier understanding.

International Politics

International politics which appears distant from our daily life actually turns out contrary. Destinies of the nation as a whole and of each person depend on events and movements in the world. The twentieth century in particular is the century when transition of the world history has been deeply connected to policies and tendencies of the country. The purpose of studying international politics is acquisition of critical perspectives to observe various trends of the world.

Principles of Politics

Introductory course on theories of power politics, political machines and political processes which form the central themes of political science is offered to freshmen who have just entered college after graduating from high schools. Plain and clear presentation is the lecture's motto and a number of registrations are encouraged. Racial issues, which are rising in Russia and East Europe recently, are paid particular attention in the lecture and students are requested to present reports.


The target of this course is to lay the foundation of coming academic studies in the university by offering methods and means to help logical understanding of the basic ideas of management. The object of the study of management is either of the following depending on theories: (1) enterprises and (2) organizations. Both theories need to be introduced irrespective of the standing of the lecturer because the course is offered to beginners. Students learn (1) enterprise theory in the first semester and (2) organization theory in the second semester. Incidentally concrete examples are drawn from enterprises even in the second semester as organization theory has been developed centering on the study of enterprises. Briefly, the focus is placed on money in the case of (1), and man in the case of (2). Students have very little social experiences yet and it would be the first time to learn about management. Now that they have learnt about enterprises and organizations in the university, they should not easily apply unfounded knowledge to the reality after graduation. To fulfill this end, they cannot spare their efforts of learning from the foundation in the university.

Courses for Sophomore

Constitutional Law II

Governing organization, one of two pillars which comprise the Constitution, is lectured in the following order: (1) Basic principles (2) Emperor (3) Renunciation of war (4) Parliament (5) National Diet (6) Judicature (7) Finance (8) Local autonomy (9) Reform (10) the Highest legislation.Those who lack in serious and earnest initiative of learning and those who distaste lectures unless they are 'fun and entertaining' are not desirable for registration.

Civil Law II

Civil law II concerns the Law of jus in rem (real rights) and the Law of Real Rights Granted by way of Security. Accordingly it has wide coverage including a number of questions. That does not mean that lecture proceeds neither in a shallow and wide manner nor in a narrow and deep manner. Rather, it is conducted with wide and deep perspectives. Students are warned to make enough preparations, otherwise they would not be able to follow the lecture.

Commercial Law I

The aim of the course is to have students grasp commercial law in its totality. Lecture proceeds to promote understanding of the basic structure of Commercial Law centering on general provisions of Commercial Law and introduction to Company Law. Various fundamental questions are dealt with in the lecture such as the following the reasons why Commercial Law exists along with Civil Law in the category of the private law, what systems are functioning under Commercial Law that are different from the ones under Civil Law, and what a company is legally like, etc.

Criminal Law II

Features of the course are as follows:

  1. Collecting materials on recent important criminal cases and compiling them in a booklet.
  2. Analyzing related provisions of the statute, judicial precedents and theories and filling them in no less than two notebooks.
  3. Brushing up English language skills
  4. Inventions of original ideas for improvement and building up of capabilities are highly encouraged. Preparation for a state law examination for candidates.
  5. Exemption of final written examination Registration is highly recommended to those who have already completed Criminal Law I with excellent academic scores.

Labor Law I

The knowledge of legal provisions concerning labor and management relations is useful not only for preparations for employment examinations and state examinations but also after actually entering the service. The course deals with Labor Law by introducing recent concrete examples. In the first semester, various legal troubles with which graduates from this university might encounter in the place of employment, either private or public sectors are discussed cancellation of informal decisions of employment, disciplinary measures in case of lateness, absence, or delinquency, sexual harassment, unexpectedly early retirement age system, soaring number of foreign workers and part-timer problems. In the second semester, the wage decision mechanism (collective bargaining and labor agreement) and legal theory on labor union activities are discussed. The scenes covered by Labor Law are changing. Childcare Holiday Law and Working Hour Shortening Promotion Law were enforced in 1992, where weekly working hours are effectively shortened to 40 hours from April 1, 1994, and Childcare Holiday Law was reformed to be named Child-and-the aged Care Holiday Law in 1995. Without knowledge of recent trend, modern corporate men would not enable to take active part in their business field.

Political History

Sino-Japanese War has caused immeasurable influences to Japan and other East Asian countries. The state system and the system to integrate the nationals had served the basis of Japan thereafter, while in East Asia international order was built centered on Japan, which continues to exist somehow even today. The course focuses on the Sino-Japanese War through analysis of the whole picture from outbreak processes to conclusion of peace treaty.

Courses for Junior

Comparative Constitutional Law

The course reflects on the history of constitution (and constitutional studies) in USA and then in Germany through analysis of their characteristics. Important constitutional issues such as state, sovereignty, security of human rights, parliamentary system and judicial review are discussed through comparison with those in Japan. Those who lack serious and earnest learning initiatives and those who distaste lectures unless they are 'fun and entertaining' are undesirable for registration. Reference books will be announced during the lecture. No particular textbooks are expected for use.

Administrative Law I

The lecture that covers introduction to Administrative Law will be given in the following order: basic principles of Administrative Law, Administrative Organization Law and Administrative Operation Law. First part:Basic principles of Administrative Law (Introduction to Administrative Law)

  1. Administration and Administrative Law
  2. Constitutional State
  3. Legal relations in administration Second part:Administrative Organization Law
  4. Introduction
  5. Subject of administration
  6. Administrative institutions
  7. Administrative organization of the state
  8. Local public entity
  9. Public servant Third part:Administrative Operation Law
  10. Administrative legislation
  11. Administrative act
  12. Administrative guidance
  13. Administrative contracts
  14. Administrative projects
  15. Administrative enforcement
  16. Administrative procedures

Civil Law III

Introduction to Obligatory Rights covers general provisions in the chapter one, part three of the Civil Code, which provides definition of the general rules of obligatory rights in general. It mainly includes contents and effects of an obligatory right that is a kind of a property right. As Civil Law has a systematic structure, the course shall be linked to general provisions of Civil Law, Real Right Law and Obligatory Right descriptions. Students are expected to learn by referring to other parts of Civil Law.

Civil Law IV

Civil Law covers part three Obligatory rights of the Civil Code, out of which the following chapters will be discussed chapter two: Contract, chapter three: Business Administration, chapter four: Unjust Enrichment and chapter five: Tort. In consideration of time allocation, contract and tort that would perform important functions in the current society are placed importance in the lecture.

Commercial Law II

The course covers Company Law. Economic activities of today are mainly carried out by company enterprises, particularly stock companies and limited responsibility companies, and the lecture mainly focuses on their legal aspects. Basic knowledge of a company where most of students would seek employment in the future is outlined as minimum requirements. Various current issues on enterprises of today's economic society will be timely discussed in order to make lecture contents vivid.


Varied sorts of crimes from the gas-poisoning debacle to the construction business scandal cover the local news page from day to day. What are causes of these crimes? The lecture mainly discusses methods to seek cause of crime from perspectives of both macro-criminology and micro-criminology. Particularly current tasks that criminology faces are focused in the lecture such as the following: (Jmass communication and crime, juvenile delinquency, crimes committed by white-collar workers, organized crimes and victimology, etc.

Criminal Procedure Law

The lecture outlines criminal procedures of basic problems viewed from the citizen's standing. In the first semester, criminal procedures as a whole are overviewed. The second semester deals with major problems concerning basic principles of Criminal Procedure Law, subject of litigation, criminal investigation, institution of prosecution and public trials. Reference books will be introduced in the lecture.

Philosophy of Law

The course aims at acquiring correct understanding of multiple functions of laws. It comprises three parts. The first part deals with the Constitution, Civil Law and Criminal Law to explain basic functions of modern laws. Either completion or presence at those courses is desirable. The second part explains those functions that have been mistakably demanded to modern laws while widening views to political processes. The third part deals with new functions of current laws which are results of multiple development of modern laws. It outlines emerging roles that current laws begin to perform today. Positive participation in the course is highly welcomed through answering questions and solving problems. 'The Six Codes of Laws' is a requisite to carry to the classroom.

Japanese Legal History

This course is designed mainly for a general study of Japanese modern legal history; (1) Meiji Restoration and Law, (2) Meiji Constitution System and Law (3) Form of Japanese Imperialistic Law System. Discussions and opinions during the course from students will be very welcomed and in principle the course will be plain enough to understand so as to enable the students to discuss and to give their own views freely.

International Law I

Present societies are multicultural and multiracial all over the world and we've faced complicated and difficult problems derived from that situation. This course aims to look at the problems from different points of view for the solutions. The course involves a study of the basic structure of international law, formation of a state and its transformation, rights and duties of a state, law of the sea, diplomatic missions, and a state's responsibilities toward foreign countries.

Public Finance

The national government is engaged in various activities such as: maintaining law and order; public enterprises; social welfare; education; science and technology; and so on. The funds necessary for such activities are obtained through collections of taxes from the nation. Such activity of the government is financing and the study of financing concerns this. This course will mainly deal with: why is this financing activity by the government is necessary?; what are the governments income that support government activities, and especially, what are the conditions of the taxes that are the major income?; and what are the relationships of the financing to the corporate activities and individual life and what are its effects on the national economy? The contemporary financing is closely related to development of Keynesian economics and modern economics. The students are asked to study modern economics as it is necessary for understanding in this course.

Bankruptcy Law

Bankruptcy Law is a general term for the Bankruptcy Act, the Composition Act, and the Stock Company Reorganization and Rehabilitation Act. The Bankruptcy Act aims to make a fair liquidation of debts of a debtor considering creditors, and the Composition Act, and the Stock Company Reorganization and Rehabilitation Act are designed for an economic rehabilitation of a debtor. This course involves a study of the basic act of the Bankruptcy Law, the Bankruptcy Act, and of main problems related to this act. The students who enroll in this course are required to be familiar with the Law of Property in the Civil Law (General Provisions of the Civil Law, the Law of Jus In Rem (mainly the Law of Security)), the Law of Obligations (introduction to the Law of Obligations, and analyses which follow the introduction), and so on).

Criminal Policy

This course involves a study of the problems related to counterplans against crimes. We'll start with an introduction, followed by analyses of each problem, and the introduction will focus on criminal procedures, punishments and treatments. The analyses will be on main criminal cases considered important in the field of Criminal Policy and on the counterplans against them. The students who enroll in this course are expected to have already finished the following courses related with the Criminal Law (especially, Criminal Law I, the Criminal Procedure Law, Criminology). The reading list will be handed out during the course.

International Law II (the first semester)

Development of scientific technologies is having a rapid and big influence on the way the international community changes, and even when we search for practical solutions for the domestic problems, it is indispensable to examine and analyze other nations' situations. This course involves a study of PKO, unification of EU, economic friction between the U.S. and Japan, territorial friction with Russia, human rights of the foreigners in Japn and the like.

Labor Economics

In the first half of the year, lectures deal with the system of the labor economics and the theory and history of the labor and social policy. In the second half of the year, lectures outline the history of the labor and social policy in Japan. Especially, the high stock in large companies and the conditions of the laborer class in the post-war Japan are proved theoretically and factually with reference to the labor and social policy of the government and the labor control by the large companies. Further, the present conditions and problems in the labor problem in Japan are clarified for each field and subject.

Courses for Junior and Senior

Special Lecture II (Consumer Law) The subject of this course is the consumer law. The final interested party in the economic activities are always the consumers. Therefore, all the social, economic and legal problems weigh on the consumers. In addition to the discussion on the actual consumer problem symbolized by the vice business, the consumer problem is discussed by clarifying a position of the consumer law in the total legal system in this course.

Administrative Law II

This course deals with the administrative relief system with emphasis on the administrative case suits. A textbook is not assigned. As a reference book, "The Legal Interpretation of the Administrative Power and the Judicial Power Control" published by Keiso Shobo, which is written by the professor, is recommended. This book raises questions on how the Japanese administrative relief system should be.

Local Municipal Law

Today is called as "the period of the local districts" and the field of the local municipality is drawing much attentions.
This course outlines the law and system of the local municipality for the beginners with emphasis on the local municipal law.
The lectures include the followings:

  1. The idea and reality of the local municipality
  2. The local public organizations and their work
  3. The organization system of the local public organizations
  4. The activities of the local public organizations and their legal forms -- a desired role of the local public organizations
  5. The finance of the local public organizations
  6. The outlook on the local municipality

Commercial Law III

Both bills and checks are the certificates for payment of fixed amounts, however the economic functions are different. The bills are mainly used as settlement means of the credit business and distant business. The checks are used as settlement means of the cash business. Law of bills and law of checks were developed to protect and strengthen the functions of the bills and checks. In this course, important legal principles and systems on the law of bills and law of checks are dealt in details. Further, the conflicts of the theories on the major issues and tendency of the precedents on the major issues are discussed in details as much as possible.

Foreign Law

The position of the Japanese law in the world legal system must be known to understand the essence of the Japanese law. A viewpoint of "comparisons of the laws" is essential. The influence of the difference in the structures to the legal system is discussed from this viewpoint.

Peace Studies

Seeking a way for the world peace from the point of the law is to provide a system for solving the disputes between the countries in the courts. However, even though this is evident, it is difficult to be realized. Each government advocates the pacifism and agrees on the peaceful solution to the conflict, but avoids solving the conflict in the court. In the first half of the year, lectures handle how the international conflict is solved peacefully. Especially, the regulations in the Charter of the United Nations and their applications to the past cases are discussed.

Peace Studies

The peace studies are the science for analyzing factors preventing realization of the peace and seeking various conditions for the peace. The peace studies started in 1960's. The peace studies are handled by more than 300 peace studies or education organizations in the world. The peace studies are an interdisciplinary field in which the researchers from various back grounds, i.e., politics, law, economics and, natural science cooperate. The course starts with the question of "what is the peace?" A goal and the present condition of the peace studies are studied.

History of Political Ideas

"Political Ideas in the Modern Age" (Iwanami Shinsho, blue edition) written by Kan-ichi Fukuda is used as the textbook. Sincethe lectures are based on this textbook, all the attendants must buy the book. There is a written examination in the first and second half respectively. The credit of the course is only given to the students whose average scores of the examinations exceed 60. These are explained in details in the first class, therefore the attendance is required. Registering only by the students who are eager to study the history of political ideas is desired.


The world economic environment surrounding Japan seems to be drawn into the vortex of the big structural changes before the 21st century. The principles of economics is the subject for seeking universal rules behind various economic phenomena. In the lectures, actual cases are discussed as much as possible for better understanding. Recommended reading is instructed in the class whenever necessary.

Economic History

The economy is a process of consideration on material satisfaction in the society, i.e., a process of production and distribution. The human beings have solved the process as the economy by the custom, the economy by the instruction, and the economy by the market. When the time goes back, this process is more melted into the dominating religious, social and political customs in each period. When the times passes, the process is more differentiated. The economic history deals with the historical development of the process, i.e., the differentiation. In this course, the steps of the differentiation in the western Europe is outlined.

Industrial Economics

Presently, "a departure from the manufacture industrialization" and the service and soft industrialization of the economy are discussed. The manufacture production has an important meaning as a base for the economic development and the service and soft industrialization of the economy. In this course, a relationship between the improvement in the manufacture productivity and the economic development by the division of labor, roundabout production, and large-scale production, a position of the manufacture industry in production cycle, the classification of industries into three categories by C. Clark, the law of W. Petty, and the law of W. Hoffman, etc. are explained. Further, the industry development and the development in the industrial policy in Japan from the Meiji Era till the present time are discussed.


This course is organized for obtaining a general and fundamental understanding on managerial marketing (marketing from a managerial point of view). Under a recognition that marketing is a practical science, many actual cases are tried to be handled. The ideas and technics of marketing are also applied to nonprofit organizations, e.g., government offices, schools, and hospitals, in addition to the companies. Therefore, marketing should be also recognized from the viewpoint of a consumer and living person. There are national examinations to become the salesperson, consumer advisor consultant, and small business diagnostician, which relate to this course. This course will be a help for the examinations.

Theory of Multinational Enterprises

The subject of this course is to develop micro and macro studies on globalization of the Japanese and American multinational enterprises. The present condition of the globalization of the Japanese and American multinational enterprises is observed with reference to the data and materials. Further, the arrival of the "borderless economy" age is intended to be recognized historically.

Readings in Foreign Language I

A general legal textbook on English law is used. This course aims at learning basic legal terms in English and understanding a fundamental legal concept in the British and American law.

Readings in Foreign Language I

Records of interview to American lawyers and articles from the American newspapers and magazines are read. Through this reading, actual problems occurred in the American law and politics can be known. The students translate the materials into Japanese in order. Then, characteristics of colloquial English and expressions in the newspapers, technics of translation, etc. are explained. Further, a free discussion on the subject matter is made. (Professor Minori Sakakibara is in charge for the second half. The outline of the course in the second half is announced later.)

Readings in Foreign Language I

An introduction book to the English law is read.

Readings in Foreign Language I

The textbook is not decided. A book on the English or American commercial law will be used. The translation is assigned to the students. The students prepare the translation at home and read the translation in the class.

Readings in Foreign Language I

Copies of "A History of Thought of Law" by J. B. Bury are handed out in every class. This course is for the best students. The translation of the material is reported by volunteers. It will be an interesting course.

Reading in Foreign Language I

Through reading in English, reconsideration is made on how the education on the social science should be in Japanese universities.

Reading in Foreign Language II

Reading in Foreign Language II (German)
A basic introduction book on the German criminal law is read together. The German criminal law closely relates the Japanese criminal law. The content is for the beginners. It is the object of this course to get knowledge for further understanding on the criminal law through comparatively easy reading in German.

Readings in Foreign Language II (Chinese)

Nothing has been decided yet. Students' opinions will be welcomed to make the course as practical as possible.

Readings in Foreign Language II (Russian)

We'll read beginner's books of law on Russia and ex-Soviet Union.

Readings in Foreign Language II (French)

We'll read books and magazines in French on International politics and diplomatic history.

Seminar I,II
Seminar I,II (Criminal Law)

This course aims to enable students to build up and deepen their knowledge of the Criminal Law through the analysis of the problems related to the Law and of the modern society. This year's theme is "Counterplans of the Criminal Law against international criminal phenomenon". In each lesson one student makes a detailed report on his/her own theme related to the main theme mentioned above, and on that report all the participants will discuss, so as to enable everyone to deepen his/her understanding of wide range of themes. Those who enroll in this course have to be familiar with the Criminal Law.

Seminar I,II (Civil Procedure Law)

In this seminar we'll look at how the basic logic of the Civil Law that students have learned are practically applied to the concrete cases, like marriage, divorce, support, and inheritance. In the first lessons we'll review the basic logic of the Civil law, and then students by rotation make a detailed report on each case which we'll have a discussion on.

Seminar II (Commercial Law)

The main theme of this course is "Analysis of the problems of the Modern Company Law", and the course will focus on the problems of the modern economic society from the point of view of the Commercial Law and the Civil Law. The students of the third year will work on the Company Law, and those of the fourth year will work on the Law of Negotiable Instruments, and in the second semester they will work on their graduation thesis. I hope that the students will make an active debate on points of contention during the class.

Seminar I,II (Japanese Legal History)

We'll read "Housouyawa" and "Japanese Modern Law" of Hozumi Nobushige. The course will be organized mainly by the participating students, and this course aims to enable the students to debate on what 'modern' is, and what 'Japan' is and to deepen their knowledge.

Seminar I,II (Criminal Law)

This course is designed for a study of concrete case examples related to interpretation of the Criminal Law and of the Criminal Policy, and we'll debate for solutions. Last year we worked on different actual social problems, like 'homicide of a lineal ascendant and equality before the law', 'traffic accident and principle of fiduciary relation', 'environmental pollution', 'penal responsibility of Kiseru (to steal a ride in a train without paying for the middle part of the journey)', 'public indecency', and 'acceptance of a bribe and abuse of one's position'. We also had a field trip to a prison and a law court.

Seminar I,II (Commercial Law)

The students by rotation choose a problem related the General Provisions of the Commercial law or the Company Law, and make a detailed report, on which all the participants discuss. After a general study of the laws mentioned above, we'll focus on some of the judgments actually delivered(those quoted in "Kaisha Hanrei Hyakusen, 5th edition" as a material.

Seminar I,II (Philosophy of Law)

This course aims to enable the students to get a fundamental and practical thinking faculty through analyzing actual political and legal problems. For third-year students I decide a main theme, and the students choose one of the sub-themes and by rotation make a individual report or a group report, followed by a group discussion. If possible, a debate competitionwill be held. The fourth-year students, in the first semester, will report a studyplan of their graduation thesis, and in the second semester will have my individual guidance on the thesis.

Seminar II (History of Political Ideas)

After finishing reading the text used in the Exercise I, all the students by rotation will report their studyplan of the graduation thesis which is supposed to be completed during the spring vacation. And then the individual guidance on the thesis will start.To write a graduation thesis is indispensable to get the credits for this course. More details will be given in the first meeting of the course.

Seminar I,II (Civil Law)

This course involves a study of the Law of Property, General Provisions of the Civil Law, the Law of Jus In Rem, the Law of Obligations. And the students by rotation give a report on the problems related to these laws, which will be discussed by all the participants.

Seminar I,II (Civil Law)

These days the Law of Torts has been becoming more and more important because of the rapid increase in number of traffic accidents, accidents caused by defective commodities, environmental pollution. The Law of Torts is a law to manage legally these cases as indemnity. This course is designed for a study of the basic logic of the Law of Torts, and focus on important concrete judgments related to traffic accidents, environmental pollution, and so on.

Seminar I,II (Civil Procedure Law)

We'll read a text of civil procedure and learn basic matters of the Civil Procedure Law. And the students by rotation give a report on a judgment quoted in "Minso hanrei Hyakusen I,II", and we'll analyze, if necessary, judgments in the field of the Civil Law.

Seminar I,II (Comparative Law)

The course involves a comparative study of Japanese laws and foreign laws, analyzing judgments in the Civil Law.

Seminar I,II (International Politics)

This course aims to enable the students to understand the history and the structure of the modern international politics through the analysis of the problems in the modern international politics, like wars and southern questions. Those who enroll are expected to take the following courses also; "International Politics (for the first-year students), "Peace Studies (for the third-year students)", "International Law (if possible)".

Seminar I,II(Constitutional Law, Administrative Law)

This course involves a study of the problems related to Constitutional Law and Administrative Law. The third-year students by rotation give a report and then discussion will follow. The students are expected to make a studyplan for the graduation thesis by the end of the year. The fourth-year students give a report of their own graduation thesis, and in the second semester will have an individual guidance on the thesis. The thesis will be about anything as long as it is about law, and political science.

Seminar I,II (Criminal Law)

This course involves a synthetic study of criminal phenomenon, theories of law, policies of law, practical use of law, and aims to enable the students to deepen the knowledge through many casestudies. The course is also designed for improvement of English reading ability through studing on foreign crimes.

Seminar I (Commercial Law)

(1)This course involves a study of the latest important judgments related to the Company Law, and aims to enable the students to learn basic theories and important points in the Company Law through casestudies.
(2)The students by rotation will give a detailed report on a case; basic facts related to the case, points of contention, judgments of other similar cases, and academic theories on those cases. The report will be discussed and debated on.
(3)The students are required to attend regularly and to take 'the Company Law' course also.
(4)We'll use the same texts as those for the Company Law' course.

Seminar I,II (Labor Law)

The third-year students will be expected to review the bases of the Labor Law in the first several months, reading "Modern Labor Law I, II" of Yuhikaku. Then by rotation the students will be given a case to make a report of; details of the case, the judgment, and academic theories related to it. The fourth-year students will be expected to decide a theme for the graduation thesis, and start to write it during the summer vacation. We are going to have a field trip to a law court and a seminar study-trip.

Seminar I,II (Political History)

This course aims to examine the roles Japan is playing (should play) in the world. We'll focus on the Japanese diplomatic history, the Japanese consciousness of nation and the world, through a study of Japanese society, culture, and education, analyzing concrete example cases. A quarterly journal "Shun-gaku" is published once a year by the students of this seminar, and we will have a seminar study-trip for the students' report of the graduation thesis.

Seminar I,II (Civil Law)

This course involves a study of the Civil Law through the analysis of judicial precedents of the Family Law. The students are required to attend regularly, and will be given thorough guidance so as to be able to understand completely the materials. It's not necessary to have taken the course 'Civil Law V'.

Seminar I,II (Constitutional Law)

(1)Individual study - The students are required to choose a theme, and to work on it through the third year and the fourth year, and to give a report of the graduation thesis in the second semester of the fourth year. A report is given in the class and during the study-trip held around the beginning of November. (2)Group study - The third-year students give a report during the study-trip and during the campus festival. The study-trip will be overseas (for the fourth-year students) and in Japan (for the third-year students). We'll play softball, mini-golf, and go bowling sometimes.

Seminar I,II (Principles of Politics)

In this course we've been working on the main theme 'Can the humans survive?' from 5 points of view last several years; (1) population (2) natural resources (3) food (4) environment (5) nuclear, and this year also we'll work on it. The students read common texts in the first semester of the third-year, and choose own theme and give a report on it from the second semester through the first semester of the fourth year, then write a graduation thesis of that theme. The students are required to attend regularly and to discuss and debate during the course.

Seminar I,II (International Law)

The students are expected to be interested in international law and international relationships, to attend regularly the course, and to have an active discussion and debate. The students by rotation give a report on one of the important events occurring in the world, and all the participants are required to discuss it after the report. So those who enroll in this course are required to collect materials on the event to report through magazines, newspapers and so on.

Seminar I,II (Local Municipal Law)

The third-year students will discuss different problems concerning the Local Municipal Law, with my guidance in the first semester, and the discussion will be based on the students' group reports in the second semester. The fourth-year students, in the first semester, will work on the graduation thesis in group discussion, and in the second semester will have my individual guidance. The course is designed also for a study for the examination of the public service personnel.