見るだけでKPIの構造から使い方までわかる 会計指標の比較図鑑

矢部 謙介(国際学部教授)著
Equity, Social Justice, and English Medium Instruction: Case Studies from Asia

James D'Angelo (国際学部教授)他著
Professor D'Angelo wrote the Foreword (前書き) for this volume which takes a critical look at programs of English Medium Instruction (EMI) at all levels of education (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Graduate) within an across Asia. It includes contributions from China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Nepal, India, Pakistan, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, the Philippines, Bangladesh, Kazakhstan and Oman.
Springer. 2025年1月2日刊。417頁。£140.00 (Hardcover)
The Routledge Handbook of Teaching English as an International Language

James D'Angelo (国際学部教授)他著
Professor D'Angelo (with M. Sadeghpour) wrote chapter 7 in this collection which--under the overarching paradigm of "EIL"--includes a Foreword and 33 chapters by various well-known scholars in the fields of EIL, World Englishes, English as a Lingua Franca, Translanguaging, and Global Englishes. The differences and similarities among these various paradigms, which all look at English from a pluralistic view--rather than privileging the 'native speaker'--can cause confusion among scholars and teachers. This volume aims at logically exploring each of the paradigms in one locus, to help rationalize the discipline.
Routledge. 2024年12月30日刊。572頁。£172.00 (Hardcover)

長滝 祥司(国際学部教授)他著
描画テストの読み方: 事例検討会を通して学ぶ実施・解釈・所見

馬場 史津(心理学部)著
金剛出版 2024年9月24日刊 196頁 3,520円(税込み)

栂 正行(教養教育研究院)著
三月社 2024年9月30日刊 212頁 2,200円(税込み)
글로벌 기업 재무제표로 알아보는 비즈니스 모델 분석(原題:決算書×ビジネスモデル 大全)

矢部 謙介(国際学部教授)著 キム・ヨウン訳
The Handbook of Cultural Linguistics

James D'Angelo (国際学部教授)、IMIG, Alexander(教養教育研究員准教授)他著
This volume contains 45 chapters on cultural linguistics, dedicated to Professor Farzad Sharifian of Monash University, who passed away in 2018. Professors Imig and D'Angelo contributed a chapter which presents a grounded case study of one anonymous student thesis, which focuses primarily on Japanese cultural aspects found in two well-known animated films of Hayao Miyazaki. MAXQDA software was employed to assist in coding data from this and other theses. This work was part of a 3-year JSPS research grant into CEFR and academic writing.
Springer. 2024年6月10日刊。895頁。47,820円 (Hardcover)

ガート・ビースタ 著 亘理 陽一(国際学部教授)訳 他3人
明石書店 出版年月日2024.5.30 244ページ 2970円(税込み)
Eigenvalue Problem and Nonlinear Programming Problem

中山 惠子(経済学部)著
This book focuses on the Frobenius theorem regarding a nonlinear simultaneous system. The Frobenius theorem is well known as a condition for a linear simultaneous system's having a nonnegative solution. Generally, however, the condition of a simultaneous system, including a non-linear system's having a nonnegative solution, is hardly discussed at all. This book, therefore, extends the conventional Frobenius theorem for nonlinear simultaneous systems for economic analysis.
Springer; 第2024版 。2024年5月21日刊。204ページ。